9:30 AM (12/11/21): "These are the 7 last words/saying/phrases of Jesus Christ, when He had been on the cross for 6 hours... following the transport of a '100-pound' cross for 3 hours... during His '9-hour' Crucifixion..." - Michael Izuchukwu
“It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three... because the sun's light failed..." - Luke 23:44
7:01 AM (1/24/22): "Maybe Jesus Christ was thinking to Himself, 'I was sent to Earth for a reason, so I need to summarize... in the simplest way, that I can...'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
7:14 AM (1/24/22):
Forgiveness, in midst of
Hope of salvation
Completed work
The spirit taking
precedence, over the material…
"When the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus... saw the earthquake, and all that had happened... they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely, he was the Son of God!” - Matthew 27:54
5:51 PM (2/5/22):

7:33 AM (4/18/22): "If you want to get to heaven, relate to those... who are
trying to get there..." - Michael Izuchukwu
WONDER WORLD (2pods99.blogspot.com)
10:46 AM (10/23/22):
"In this scene from the animated film, 'The Prince of Egypt'... I couldn't help but notice, an interesting parallel. When Pharaoh Seti I is speaking to Moses, it's almost as though such was a metaphor for 'God the Father'... talking about his Son, Jesus Christ... who he had sent to Earth, to be born of the Virgin Mary Magdalene... ...but in the context, of one glancing into the future... at the event, of Jesus Christ's Crucifixion (in which He had transported a '100-pound' cross for the first 3 hours, of His 9-hour Crucifixion)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[a depiction of Jesus Christ, transporting a '100-pound' cross... during the first 3 (of 9) hours... of His Crucifixion]
3:30 PM (7/26/23):
song & artist name, were literal (prior to removal, from internet - 'that' segment's beat, was true fire)
Regarding the first 4 seconds, of the segment... of the above video... I had a revelation, a few minutes ago... When Jesus Christ transported the cross, the cross transitively... transported Him... This hypothesis, is supported by Isaac Newton's third law of motion... which states: 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite... reaction'...
The cross was on Jesus Christ's back, but the lyrics of the above segment... ...give the impression, that the city of heaven... was what, Jesus Christ... was carrying...
"The Kingdom of God, does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the Kingdom of God... is within you...” - Luke 17:20-21 (according to Jesus Christ)
Some type of riddle, or mystery... this seems... (a place one enters, but cannot be seen... during entry)
NOTE #2:
Kingdom of God = Kingdom of Heaven
5:53 PM (7/26/23):
At 5:43 PM today, an idea occurred to me… about the
nature and basis, of asymptotic aging… In terms of logic (and on paper), every
year… one’s chronological age, increases by ‘1 year’… Nevertheless, at the
cellular level… aging is the effect, of many variables… …and consequently,
biological age… tends to contrast, with chronological age…
“To sacrifice all that one is, in exchange… …for that,
which one can become… …is a tasking process, if done correctly…” - Michael Izuchukwu
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